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The future within reach

If you’re anything like me, a good story can trigger some deep emotions. Sometimes I can feel the hero’s pain almost physically. Or their hope, their struggles, their happiness … even if I’ve never been in a situation that’s even remotely similar to the hero’s situation.

That’s one of the fascinating aspects of stories. They allow us to experience a taste of a different life. A life that’s unlike our own, maybe vastly so. Stories allow us to participate in experiences we could (or would) never make ourselves – such as being cast away.

It works because as humans, we are exceptional at empathizing with others, even if their life is different than ours. What it takes to have these feelings from a story is not that it’s a situation that we have encountered ourselves but that it’s a situation that we can relate to.

The fascinating part is that this works even if the story is not real. Even if it’s about a fictional situation.

Or about the future – something that is not real, yet.

Through powerful stories you can give people a glimpse of a possible future. A future that they can taste now – through the story – and then, based on that experience and the emotions they had during the experience, decide to go for it (or not). If you start with empathy you can trust your audience with that decision.

Does your story achieve that level of tension?

Sales fixes everything.

Until it doesn’t.

At which point everything breaks down. All the overheads that you have allowed to grow: too expensive. All the sideways that you have allowed to be taken: too distracting. All the little carelessnesses that you have allowed to slip through: they backfire all at once.

It adds up.

That’s when you realize that in reality, clarity fixes everything. When you start with clarity, sales is still going to fuel your growth – I bet, even more so than before. But at the same time, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about which sideway is worth exploring and which is not. Which areas you’re never going to compromise. And which extravaganzas just don’t match your style.

Crack the clarity code first, then crack the sales (it’s easier in that order).

Justifying a meeting

If you want to be responsible with people’s times, you need to justify the need for a meeting from quite a number of angles, each of which can be summarized with a simple question:

Why do we need the meeting?

Including: Is it really required that we have that meeting? Or might there be more effective ways of dealing with the matter?

Who needs to be in the meeting?

Is the purpose of the meeting important enough to justify asking for these people’s presence? But also: Will their contribution be large enough to justify their presence at the meeting?

How long does the meeting need to be?

Can we ask this much time from the people who need to be there?

When do we need to have the meeting?

Is everyone who needs to be there available at the time of the meeting? And would it be the best use of their time?

Where do we need to have the meeting?

Is it required for everyone to be in the same room (adding to their time budget if it’s a physical space)?

Doings often make it much easier to find answers to these questions than meetings. When it’s clear what needs to be done, it’s much easier to identify the people who can and cannot contribute, whether we need to gather in the same physical space and whether the product of the doing is worth spending the time.

Overdeliver on your clickbait

We’re living in the attention economy (think “5 super weird reasons why your headline doesn’t perform”).

Whoever gets the audience’s attention, gets the first shot at selling them something. So, it’s no wonder that people love to use attention grabbing techniques – such as scroll-stoppers or click-baity headlines.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook are flooded with these things that have the sole purpose of making you click “Read more”.

And it might get you the click. Initially, that is. Until these techniques wear off and the readers just give up on clicking “Read more” because every single time the actual post doesn’t deliver on the promise.

And suddenly, something unexpected becomes the attention grabber for these readers. Suddenly, they are drawn to the people who just post valuable stuff. Smart thoughts. Funny takes. Or useful hacks.

Don’t get me wrong, though. There’s nothing wrong with grabbing people’s attention. If you can grab their attention, go for it. (We’re really in the attention economy.) Just make sure that what you deliver after the click delivers – or even better: overdelivers – on what you promised before the click.

In other words: Make a bold promise – one that gets people’s attention – but keep it, even better: overdeliver on it.

Leading your future boss

Lighting the path is an activity, not a role. You can light us the path from any position, no official title required, no permission needed.

In fact, we see examples of people lighting the path in the most unexpected places. Here’s a remarkable example from a marketing manager who landed their dream job by lighting the path for their future boss.

That person crafted a website which made the company (called Basecamp) see the future of working with him. The website pays incredible attention to detail to pick up Basecamp’s style. Ultimately, the job application site led the founders of Basecamp to the point of no return, the point at which it had become an unbearable thought not to hire this person who was so passionate about getting the job and who understood Basecamp so well.

Lighting the path means bringing the future into the present. You don’t need any title for that. What you need to do, though, is to show up, step up, and do work that matters.

Read the manifesto at

The right idea in the wrong meeting room

Some pitch situations quickly turn into a status game.

The pitching party feels high status because they feel like they’ve really nailed it and have an extraordinarily brilliant product. It’s going to change the world (which might be true).

The decision maker feels high status because they get to decide about the proposal and they want you to know that they have the final say. They are extraordinarily brilliant in identifying trends (which might be true).

Inevitably, both desires for higher status clash when one of the parties makes a claim that the other just must dispute – because, well, they know it better (which might be true).

The world, however, couldn’t care less about who’s right and who’s not. Or about who’s in charge and who’s not. They care about which ideas see the light of day. And so, the right idea in the wrong meeting room likely isn’t worth much when the parties have status as their top priority.

Change happens easier if we ban status from the meeting room.

If the other party doesn’t see it that way, you might be better off looking for a different partner.

Moving faster

“I’m not getting the results I’m looking for … so I need to work harder and move faster.”

But do you?

Because the thing is when you’re moving full speed in the wrong direction, you’re not going to arrive anywhere meaningful. It pays to reflect on whether you’re actually headed in the right direction before working harder or moving faster.

Which means that the opposite might be way more useful. Pause for a moment. Reflect, refocus, and refine to gain clarity about where you’re headed. Or more precisely: where you should be heading.

That process takes time. You might feel that it slows you down. But it’s required work that will pay off manifold when you do it properly.

That’s one of the reasons why you can’t accelerate the “Crack the Clarity Code” course. Lessons are released daily and there’s no way for you to skip ahead.

When you’re considering the course, you’re looking for clarity, not speed, don’t you? The quick answer is usually not the most clearest answer. That’s why I want you to really think the prompts through before you move on to the next lesson. When you do, the next lesson will be so much more valuable. And the results will feel so much clearer.

Remember me!

“I’ll send you the slides.”

The fairy tale about the double use of presentation slides as handouts goes something like this: Without any extra effort from your side, the audience can review what you said plus they are reminded of you when they look at the slides.

Which is exactly the problem: when they look at it. Which, of course, is mostly never.

Handouts are rarely fun. They are cumbersome to read and often plain impractical as a reference: Who wants to sift through 30 pages of loosely structured, badly designed info that would have easily fit on one page if written down concisely?

There might be more useful handouts than your slides, don’t you think?

Apart from that one page summary, here are some random ideas that have a better chance of being looked at:

Do you manufacture tools? Why don’t you leave a couple of them so your customers can try them at home – and be reminded of you when they do (which they’ll do if they are actually useful tools).

Do you provide customized services? Why don’t you close the laptop, analyze your customer’s struggles using paper and pen, sketch possible solutions and leave the sketch with the customer (but don’t forget to take a picture so you can write an appropriate proposal).

Are you a designer or artist? Why don’t you leave your customers something that’s a pure joy to look at, let’s say a poster. You can greatly increase the chance of them actually putting it on the wall when it contains useful knowledge, e.g. “Three ways to make your message more relatable” or “The history of app design” – you get the idea.

Are you a consultant? Everything you know can be found on the internet in one way or the other. However, actually finding it is difficult. Why don’t you just assemble a reference handbook for your clients that is so well written that they find what they are looking for faster than on the internet and can understand it more easily. They are not hiring you for the knowledge but for your skills in helping them make the knowledge work for them.

If you want to be memorable with your handouts, give your customers something they will enjoy looking at or using often. Sure, that’s extra effort. And no, it’s not guaranteed that this effort will pay off.

But: nothing creates more trust than providing real value.

PS: Whatever you choose to leave as a handout, don’t forget to place your contact info on it.

Leaders who light the path

Leaders who light the path care for their cause – not the applause.

They care for better – as opposed to more.

They strive to get it right rather than to be right.

They speak with clarity – not ambiguity.

They figure it out so we don’t have to.

They start with empathy.

And make change happen.

Will you light us the path?

How great communicators make change happen

When you want us to see something, you need us to look. You need our attention.

Poor communicators fail to get our attention. So, we can’t see what they want us to see. Change can’t happen – even if we care. We don’t see it.

Good communicators make us see the things they care about. They serve us their cause as something we should care about. And probably we do, but probably we don’t. Change might happen or not depending on whether we do.

Great communicators are different.

Rather than to speak so that we get them, leaders who light the path get us and speak about it.

They make us see a path forward that we care for. A path we want to take.

One we choose to take.

And that’s why change happens.

PS: This is an excerpt from the “Leaders Light the Path Manifesto”. Read the full text here: and share it with everyone who needs to read it.

Spread the Word

Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz