Getting to yes

We’ve all been there: The perfect argument that completely fails to land.

→ You nailed that pitch, but never heard anything back.
→ You presented a brilliant idea, but it was immediately shot down.
→ You made a perfectly logical case, but it was met with nothing but blank stares.

But why?

Here’s the hard truth:
What makes sense isn’t always what feels right.

But when it doesn’t feel right, no amount of sense might be able to save your idea.

To circle it back to yesterday’s post:
Good reasons make sense.
Real reasons feel right.

Look for the real reason!

It isn’t always obvious. It’s often hidden in emotions, fears, ambitions, and goals that people don’t always articulate.

But when you uncover it:
→ resistance fades,
→ ears open up, and
→ the conversation changes completely.

You can stop persuading and start resonating.

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The weekend deadline

The first thing I changed when I got in charge of my first project was to shift the deadlines from Mondays to Fridays. In our

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