The joy of figuring things out

If you enjoy puzzling, the worst thing that can happen to you is when someone else solves the puzzle for you. The joy is in the puzzling not in the picture. The whole point of puzzling is the joy in finding the right pieces and fitting them together.

Keep that in mind when communicating to a group of people who love to figure things out. The worst thing that can happen is that you figure everything out for them. On the other hand, they will love you for a good challenge. For lighting them the path in a way that they can figure it out themselves. Figureouters may be happy to learn about more efficient ways to figure things out. But they want to figure it out themselves.

The great news is that if the puzzle was just the right amount of a challenge, it’s not uncommon for puzzlers to buy more puzzles. And so we can gradually lead them to fit together ever more complex puzzles.

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