Refusing to make an impact

Every so often, I meet a bright mind who excels in their field but almost refuses to make a broader impact.

They tell me that their field is complex and simpler words just wouldn’t do it justice.

Or that the nature of marketing is deceptive and they wouldn’t want to engage in this dishonest game.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking argument is a perceived lack of public speaking skills.

Don’t get me wrong. Yes, the world is complex. Yes, marketing can seem like trickery. And yes, speaking isn’t everyone’s favorite activity.

But first of all, these are challenges, not barriers. More importantly, I think there’s a different perspective:

→ Simple words are not meant to dumb complex ideas down but to make them accessible. That is possible (and necessary).

→ Marketing is not deceptive, marketers are. Your marketing can be authentic (and should).

→ Speaking is a skill that can be developed. Every great speaker started as a bad speaker. With every speech they dared to give, they got better.

Here’s the thing:
If you don’t speak up to tell your story, the stage is open for others to take.

Most of them don’t care nearly as much as you do. Why should they get the attention? I’d much rather listen to your story! I very much prefer truthful stories, told from the heart by someone who deeply cares.

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Good enough

Good enough, but for what? Actually, there are two kinds of good enough: The “I don’t care” kind. The “I care deeply” kind. The former

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