No, you don’t owe me for the years

Our customers couldn’t – and shouldn’t – care less for how long it took us to make something. It’s our decision to spend the time and it’s our decision to make the offer. If we decide to offer our service or product to a customer, all our customer needs to know is whether our offer does what we promise it does.

They owe us for the result, not for the effort. If someone comes along who provides them with the same result but less effort or less experience, there’s no reason why a customer should pick us – let alone pay more because it took us 10 years to get to the point where we can make that job in 30 minutes.

Rather than focus our story on the experience we have, it’s much better to focus our story on the experience we give. Make that the best they have ever had … and our customers will stop worrying about why we charge what we charge.

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Top of mind

So, you’ve done a great job at communicating your idea. People are pumped. What you said is the #1 topic during the coffee break. But

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