Ultimately, the course of an organization is determined by the sum of thousands of choices that each member in the organization makes each and every day.
Some of them are tiny, others gigantic. From the intern jotting down minutes to the CEO making acquisitions, everyone plays a role in the journey. Each choice, each action collectively determines whether the ship sails smoothly or veers off course.
How often do we see organizations with strong visions crumble? Not because of external threats or market turbulence, but from the discord within. The failure often isn’t in crafting the vision but in aligning the thousands of daily choices towards it.
It’s a myth that the course of an organization could be shaped by a handful of boardroom resolutions. It’s more likely to be the result of an intricate web of choices that spans the whole organization.
Aligning those choices across the organization and empowering each member to make the “right” choices is the actual purpose of a strategy.
And it can only work when it’s communicated in a way that makes it easy to translate it into how choices are made. It’s what I call lighting the path and it’s one of the most powerful tools a leader can have.
How do you align choices in your organization?