Choose your leaders wisely

Bad leaders aren’t just worse than great leaders.
They’re the opposite!

One gives hope, the other destroys it.
One builds trust, the other breeds fear.
One creates unity, the other divides teams.
One lights the path, the other forces their way.
One sparks initiative, the other damps enthusiasm.
One values diversity, the other enforces conformity.
One embraces feedback, the other silences dissent.
One promotes accountability, the other shifts blame.
One respects boundaries, the other invades privacy.
One leads with empathy, the other rules with apathy.
One cultivates loyalty, the other demands obedience.
One celebrates effort, the other dismisses dedication.
One nurtures creativity, the other suppresses innovation.
One supports autonomy, the other restricts independence.
One encourages taking risks, the other punishes even small stumbles.
One builds resilience to setbacks, the other erodes the will to try again.

Choose your leaders wisely!

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