One night, somebody dared me to take a dance class and I did … and left feeling great and thought that if I was doing that for 18 hours a week instead of colour theory I’d be really happy. And so I went to the department office the next day and said I’d like to be a dance major. And the woman at the desk asked me if I’d ever danced before and I said: „Yeah, I took a class last night!“
Dann ist Ezra Caldwell erst einmal Tanzlehrer geworden. Doch seine große Liebe war es nicht. Die musste er erst finden:
For me it’s always been a real struggle to get past the point where I’m pretty good for a beginner to get into the point where I’m actually good.
No matter how good you are for a beginner, it’s like that’s not the essence of it. I mean it’s easy to be impressed with people who learn fast but, you know, I think you really do have to put some time in to actually get to any kind of, you know, fundamental love what we build.
Und nun sollten Sie wirklich den Film des Made-by-Hand-Projekts über Caldwells Leidenschaft, das Bauen von Fahrrädern ansehen. Schauen Sie unbedingt bis zum Ende, denn ab etwa der Hälfte nimmt das Interview eine unerwartete Wendung.
That lesson about every day being really important and, you know, living like you could die tomorrow. The problem with that sort of reality is that you can‘t actually do that because it’s just fucking irresponsible.
You know, this makes me realize how important, you know, your experience and enjoying life and that kind of stuff is. And yet, so what do you do? You buy a motorcycle and a large format camera and go ride around and take photographs and two years later haven’t died, yet? And have no money? and, you know, it’s just like … it’s the kind of thing where you think: Oh yeah, live like you gonna die tomorrow. It’s like, yeah, but what happens if you don’t?
Links zu dem Artikel
Teaching Cancer to Cry: Ezra Caldwells Blog
Fast Boy Cycling: Ezra Caldwell Fahrrad-Manufaktur
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