A different perspective on price

A common approach to sales processes is to try to squeeze out the maximum price for an offer.

That’s because price is often an afterthought. There’s the product. And then there’s the price. The goal is to charge the highest possible price for the product and maximise the profit for the seller.

Yet, price is a story. People buy the price just as much as they buy other properties of our product. When they buy a premium priced product, they might tell themselves the story that deserve only the best. When they buy at a bargain, they might tell themselves the story about how clever they are. A million similar stories exist around price.

Thus, a different approach is to embrace that fact and treat price as one aspect of the product. The goal then is to try to squeeze out the maximum value for that price and maximise the value for the buyer.

What stories do your customers tell themselves around price? How can you deliver on that story and maximise the value?

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