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What would happen if you made it more fun?
Used some pink? Or instead made it a bit more subtle?

What if you told a story?
Or started your presentation with the beamer off?

What if Sarah on your team is way better at public speaking than you are? Have you considered letting her do most of the talking?

There are a million ways to tell your story. It’s rather unlikely that the one you’ve always used is the only one that resonates with your customers. It’s even possible that you haven’t found the best way, yet.

Keep exploring!

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When we care deeply

When we care deeply, we’ve got a problem. Because often, we find ourselves competing with others who don’t care as much. Or, to be more

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For being kind. For lending a helping hand to someone who needed it. For listening to someone who had nobody to talk to. For asking

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

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