Your truth, their truth

Your truth, your words.
Their truth, their words.

If you want someone to see your truth, it’s not going to work using your words.

You need to find their words. A way of speaking about your truth in a way that it makes sense for them.

That’s true for the foundational things you believe.

But it’s also true for:
→ The way you communicate your vision.
→ The way you navigate tough negotiations.
→ How you pitch your ideas to stakeholders.
→ How you frame feedback so it actually lands.
→ How you gain buy-in for a bold new direction.
→ The way you rally your team around a strategy.
→ How you position change so people embrace it.
→ The way you make people feel heard and valued.
→ How you resolve conflicts without escalating them.
→ The way you shape culture, not just enforce policies.
→ How you turn abstract goals into compelling narratives.
→ How you align diverse perspectives toward a common goal.
→ The way you sell – not just products, but ideas and decisions.
→ The way you challenge assumptions without alienating people.
→ The way you make your message stick long after the meeting is over.

It all comes down to this:
People don’t act on what makes sense to you.
They act on what makes sense to them.

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