The hero’s podium

The hero’s podium is a notoriously difficult place to be on.

It means that all eyes are on you. Your job is no lesser than to save the world. You need to show courage, overcome evil forces, and lead us the way into a better world.

It’s no wonder that so many leaders feel uncomfortable taking that position on a stage.

The good news is that you don’t actually have to because no audience needs a hero. They already have one.

It’s themselves. Everyone in the audience is the hero of their own life. They don’t show up to cheer for another hero. They want you to cheer for them.

Step off the hero’s podium and leave it to your audience. All you need to do is to share your wisdom with the heroes. You can leave the decision of what to do with it to the audience. They are free to use it to overcome their struggles and thrive to achieve their desires. You’re doing them a favor.

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Can you draw it?

Because when you can draw it, it means you can see it. And when you can see it, it means that it’s concrete. What you

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