Why I wrote “The PATH to Strategic Impact”

What use is a smart strategy if no-one knows how to put it into action?

Every year, without fail, executives and entrepreneurs gather
in boardrooms and off-site retreats to dream up the future.

Very often, they feel like this time we nailed it.

Only to discover, a few weeks later, that nothing has really changed. Everything’s back to before.

So, they try again next year. Every year.

Somehow, people seem to think the key to success lies in creating more strategy—more plans, more slides, more buzzwords.

But I don’t buy it.
We don’t need more strategy.

What we need is for strategies to actually work.
For the team to get it.
And embrace it.

In other words: we need a better way to communicate what the strategy is all about.

Libraries have been filled with books on how to create a smart strategy. Surprisingly few books guide leaders on how to communicate it effectively.

But no matter how well-crafted your strategy is, if it’s not understood, it might as well not exist. The real challenge isn’t coming up with the perfect plan—it’s getting your team to embrace it, believe in it, and take action on it.

That’s the gap I set out to close with The PATH to Strategic Impact. I can’t wait to show it to you when it comes out next week!

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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