When a map won’t help

A leader who lights the path doesn’t give you a map.
They hand you a torch.

A very common (and disastrous) view on leadership is that the leader is the one who has the path figured out and knows every turn at every step.

But that’s simply impossible.

If only because the actual terrain can look very different from what the map suggested.

A map suggests certainty that’s simply not there.

The reality in every single business I’ve ever worked with is that the path ahead is uncertain.

There’s a plan. There are forecasts. But more often than not, the world couldn’t care less and will reject the forecasts through an unexpected turn of events.

A map won’t help now. The false certainty it suggests can even make things worse.

In uncertainty, the more important kind of clarity is how you want to make choices.

Which means that the leader becomes a beacon, not because they know every twist and turn, but because they embody the principles that guide decisions along the way.

It’s not at all about providing answers but about inspiring the confidence that whatever lies ahead, you’ll navigate it together.

Here’s what most people miss: lighting the path doesn’t mean removing the uncertainty. It means making people feel like they can move forward despite it.

That’s what gives them the courage to take the next step, even when the whole road isn’t visible yet.

How will you light the path for your team?

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