What are sales pitches for?

“We are awesome!”

That, in essence, is the summary of 99% of all sales pitches.

Yet, that’s not what decision makers care for. At all.

Decision makers care for how awesome they are. And whether buying your product will make them even more awesome. To make them see how is the actual job of a sales pitch.

Make it about them, not you.

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Super focused communication

“So, what was the talk about?” The best communicators don’t leave this to chance. They carefully focus their story to deliver a lasting impact. The

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Founder mode

Last week, Paul Graham published an interesting article about what he called “founder mode” vs. “manager mode”. Manager mode, essentially, means: “Hire good people and

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Good enough

Good enough, but for what? Actually, there are two kinds of good enough: The “I don’t care” kind. The “I care deeply” kind. The former

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