Their own way

“A great teacher does not teach you to think like them, but to think without them.”
– Herbie Hancock

The same is true in business … Great leaders don’t create more followers, but more leaders. Just as great artists are not born when they merely replicate what their teachers did, great teams are not created from 10 copies of the leader. (The only thing that might be worse than that would be leaders who babysit each and every decision.)

The most impactful leaders are usually those who light the path, then step aside to let each team member walk it their own way.

They understand that their role isn’t to dominate the decision-making process but to empower their team to make choices confidently.

They don’t impose their way of thinking, but provide the space for the best thoughts to surface, converge, and flourish.

They don’t dictate, but inspire.

Keep lighting the path!

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