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The White Album

Yesterday, I’ve listened to the The White Album from The Beatles.


At some point I’ve lost count of how often I’ve listened to the song Blackbird on that album. And yet, whenever it pops up in a playlist or on radio, I turn up the volume.

I’m not tired, let alone bored by the song. I smile. It brings me joy. Each time.

One of the reasons is, of course, that it’s such a beautiful song (and I like to play it myself).

But another – strong – reason is that, well, I’ve heard it so often.

When you hear a song only once, it seldom gets a chance to be allowed into your greatest hits of all time. That requires repetition. And more repetition. Until it becomes a greatest hit.

Now, how about the songs you sing for your business? Your messages? Your key stories? How often do you tell those?

Are you always trying to create the next song? Or do you give some of your gems a shot at the hot rotation? Do you give your audience a chance to allow one of your songs into their all time greatest hits?

That requires repetition.

And more repetition.

I’d argue that – if it’s a profound message – then much like with musical songs, your audience is unlikely to get tired of those. It’s much more likely that it brings a smile on their face as it reminds them of something that’s meaningful in their life (that part, of course, is a pre-requisite).

I never get tired of repeating that line to my clients, by the way.

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