The things we see

The only reason to give a talk is that there’s a gap between what your audience sees and what you see.

The purpose of a talk is to make your audience see what you see.

Of course, it’s so much easier if you don’t worry about that. You just speak about your topic for 30 minutes and when everything is said, you are done.

Yet, the point of a talk is not to be delivered but to change minds. The only way to achieve that is to acknowledge the gap and see your audience first. Where are they coming from? What’s their worldview? How do they see things?

And then take them on a journey to see things from your perspective.

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The next note

“When you hit a wrong note, it’s the next one that makes it good or bad.” That’s how Miles Davis described his approach to dealing

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What just happened? Did they seriously choose that piece of junk over mine? Every detail, every nuance — mine’s miles ahead … and it’s still

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