
With every word, it’s clear: they’re playing the game.
The more they say, the more confusion they create.

But they keep piling on more words.

What makes this so frustrating is that it is calculated. “Saying more” is a way of “playing the game”.

It’s meant to overwhelm.
Hide the weakness of their argument behind layers of noise.

“Saying more” works because it throws you off balance. You can’t pin down the point because it keeps moving. You can’t counter the argument because you’re buried in words.

But you don’t have to play along. Stop the game and shine a light on the tactic.

Ask one clear question:
“What are you really trying to say?”

It’s a question “more” can’t outrun.

Don’t play along by saying more yourself,
demand less.

The moment you strip it down, the weakness becomes impossible to hide.

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