The spiral of demotivation

In a recent interview, Tim Hughes asked me where the inspiration for my new book came from.

It’s a pretty simple story. About a situation that I bet almost everyone in corporate business has experienced multiple times.

I mean you’ve been to that retreat or had that months long project and you’ve come up with a brilliant strategy. It’s really super smart and it checks all the boxes from all the famous books.

Then, you’ve made that big announcement with a town hall meeting. Everyone was there and left pumped.

But three weeks later? Nothing has changed.
And three months later? Everything’s forgotten.

Which leads into that vicious circle where you repeat it next year. And the year after … And every time you do it, the frustration just grows.

The problem usually isn’t that the strategy isn’t smart. The books have been written. That is not rocket science anymore. The criteria for great strategies are well known.

The problem is much more that leadership somehow doesn’t bridge the gap between what sounds smart in the boardroom and what needs to be done down on the floor where the choices have to be made, where the actions have to be taken.

How does that translate?

That’s what “The PATH to Strategic Impact” is about.

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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Slow down

Usually, the first idea is not the most creative. Or the funniest. It’s not the most sophisticated. Or the clearest. That’s why I designed the

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Wanna marry me?

Most websites feel like proposing on the first date, something like this: “Look, I’m really awesome. I have a Ph.D. and I’m super successful. I’m

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