How to look at things

Objectively your brand may be quite extraordinary. It may be innovative, years ahead even. It may adhere to ethical work practices. It may foster sustainable production. It may be funding social projects. While at the same time delivering the highest production quality.

Someone looking objectively should come to the same conclusion as you do: This is extraordinary.

Looking objectively might not be the point, though. In fact, looking subjectively is. People do look subjectively. They ask things like “How does this fit into how I see the world?” or “Is it useful for me?” or “Does it make me happy?” or “What will my peers think?” …

And they are right. Because they owe you nothing. In particular, they don’t owe you objectivity. They didn’t ask you to make that product. You made it and now you’re asking them to buy it. They will do so if they decide it’s for them. But they will decide from their subjective perspective.

What makes a brand so difficult to grasp and so difficult to communicate is that everyone looks from their own subjective perspective.

How do people look at your brand? What do they see?

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