The biggest reason for stage fright

The biggest reason for stage fright is not what you think it is.

It’s not the size of the audience or the prestige of the event.

It’s not that you don’t have a commanding presence on stage.

It’s not that you’re not funny enough or can’t tell engaging stories.

It’s also not the complexity of the topic you are speaking on.

Nor that you haven’t practiced enough.

And it’s not that you haven’t attended enough public speaking workshops.

Although all of that can contribute.

But none of it is the root cause! The root cause is this:
You don’t believe in the words you use!

None of the usual advice will fix this. That’s why it can’t work. If you don’t believe in your words, any body language tip will have to work against your belief. It only adds to the stress.

But here’s the good news:

When you find words you truly believe in about the things you deeply care about, nothing else will matter!

Solve that problem, and you’ll solve the others, too.

PS: I wrote a little eBook on how to do that. It’s called: Speak Easy and it’s a short read with a pretty unusual take. If you haven’t done so already, download it here for free:

How confident are you as a speaker?

You are backstage.

Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy.

In other words: You’re just plain terrified. Stage fright has got you in its grip and it’s squeezing hard.

Public speaking is the monster under the bed for grown-ups. It’s that universal fear that sends shivers down the spine of some of the boldest leaders.

Their powerful voices suddenly feel weak. Their decisive stride seems uncertain. Their usual commanding presence fades into doubt. Backstage, the bold leader is no longer a tower of strength.

Almost certainly, you’ve been hit with advice to conquer that fear. But in my experience, most of that advice actually achieves the opposite. It doesn’t make you feel less nervous but more.

Huh? More nervous? Let me explain …

Often, it’s quite a beast in terms of things you have to consider and do in the correct order: Deep breaths, power stance, eye contact, pacing, how to hold your hands, how to stand, when to smile, … 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg …

What’s worse is that all of this is on top of actually having to remember what you wanted to say. (Not to mention: actually saying it.)

I’ve never seen it work well. Not only does this advice not eliminate stage fright. As I said, it actually adds to the stress.

Which is why I prefer a very different approach that I hope can change the game for you, too.

In 16 years of working with leaders who went on stages, large and small, this is the only approach I’ve seen that has consistently led to improved confidence in front of audiences.

I’ve turned it into a free eBook: Speak Easy – 4 Steps to Total Confidence in Your Communication.

It’s a short read with a pretty unusual take.

If you haven’t done so already, download it here:

PS: Please share this with someone you know who struggles with stage fright. I hope it can be a game changer for them.

Speak Easy

If you’ve ever struggled with stage fright but somehow nothing you’ve tried has really worked, this is for you.

Perhaps you’ve already watched a couple of motivational YouTube videos that promised a fix.

Or you’ve been to workshops hoping to improve your body language to come across more confidently.

Maybe you’ve read some books or tried power posing and meditation.

But whatever you tried, either things didn’t really improve or you fell back to your old patterns shortly after.

I’ve tried some of these, too. I never found them to work well, either.

Until I’ve changed my approach.

I tried to understand what was really going on and realized that almost every advice out there only addresses the symptoms but not the cause. It’s a pretty unusual take that not many speak about but I think it’s obvious once you see it.

I wrote a little eBook to share with you what I’ve discovered over the years.

It works for me and it works for my clients.

I hope it does for you, too.

It’s also free.

Get it here:

PS: If you find this useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues so that others can improve their stage presence, too.

The fear of practicing

Most people feel at least a little anxiety when they think about their next talk. One of the nasty tricks of that anxiety is that it likes to extend itself to the act of practicing for the real thing.

As a result, some avoid practicing for as long as possible because the thought of practicing ignites the anxiety about the actual event. Which causes them to postpone practicing. Also, there’s another email they need to reply to, anyway, it’s really urgent.

The problem, of course, is that this makes things even worse. Because as the event approaches, they’re still just as unprepared as a week ago. Which only amplifies the anxiety. This, in turn, amplifies the stress that the thought of practicing causes because you know that practicing will surface what’s not working well – and you haven’t got much time left to fix them.

And yet, that was the point of practicing: to surface what’s not working well so that you can fix them in time and show up prepared. In fact, practicing is the only reliable approach that can prepare you for the actual event. Practicing is what makes you feel less anxious when you’re in the actual situation.

Here’s the crucial shift: Practice is a safe space. It’s like taking a risk, but without the actual risk.

The special ones

Some people are so good at public speaking that it feels out of reach to achieve the same. Their confidence, their eloquence, their whole appearance, everything feels so elaborate that they appear to be from a different breed. Maybe natural born talents.

They are not, of course.

Almost any great speaker is great at what they do because they’ve done it so many times before.

They became good at speaking. Through speaking.

Their first speech wasn’t their best speech.

Their first response to an audience remark wasn’t the most quick-witted remark.

And it’s hard to believe that their first appearance was on a big stage.

They started somewhere. Let’s say in a meeting. Or at a company event. Or they recorded a video that no-one watched. Most of all, they started.

And kept at it. And recorded a second one. And a third.

When they were at a hundred, they were getting good.

It’s not about whether you have it within you (you have!). It’s about starting.

And that’s always within reach.

It’s not how good you look or feel

A lot of speaking advice is about feeling good and looking good, e.g. how to feel more confident, how to use convincing body language, how to find more beautiful words or design stunning slides, etc.

While all of this certainly helps, it’s never the point when you’re looking to make change happen.

It’s not how good you look and how well you feel but how strong you resonate.

The main difference is that “feeling good and looking good” is concerned with the speaker while “resonating” is concerned with the audience and how it relates to the speaker.

In order to resonate strongly you need to empathize with how the audience feels. You need to understand what matters to the audience.

It’s about seeing and hearing your audience and caring for their struggles and desires.

It’s about doing the work of figuring out a path and lighting it so that your audience doesn’t have to.

Ironically, my clients tell me that this posture leads them to actually feel good on stage. By shifting the spotlight away from themselves and onto the people they seek to serve, they let go of the heavy weight of being the star of the show. They merely help their audience make change. And that feels good.

The best part is that adopting that shift ripples into everything you do because you can’t unsee the audience in anything you do.

Why people feel uncomfortable in public speaking

The most common reason for people to feel uncomfortable with their way of communicating is that they use words they don’t believe in.

For all sorts of reasons.

Some speak to professionally designed slides that look beautiful but are out of touch with their personality. The agency just didn’t get them and so it’s out of sync with what they really want to convey.

Others don’t really trust that their story resonates. They are unsure what really matters to their audience. Which translates to their body language so that their audience can’t find trust in their words, either.

Some tend to use an overly formal way of speaking because that’s supposed to be the professional way. It leads to stiff language that’s out of sync with how they feel.

Others lack a feeling of clarity so that they are unsure that their audience gets their point. The least sign of misunderstanding on someone’s face leads them to become even more nervous.

When you don’t really trust in the words you use to have the impact you seek, it shows. Training for better body language is one way to deal with it. But a very tedious one. (And often in vain.)

A much better approach is to take one step back and work on your story. Improve clarity. Work hard to find empathy. Find your own voice. And Brief your partners accordingly.

Finding a story that you trust in yourself so that you speak words you believe in about the things you deeply care about is the best way to feel more comfortable with the way you communicate.

So, the next time you feel uncomfortable speaking up, ask yourself whether you’re about to use words that you truly believe in. If not, work on the words first.

The Bay effect

In 2014, director Michael Bay had one of the most devastating performances on a big stage. In a Samsung press conference he totally lost it. It was heartbreaking to watch. He lost it so thoroughly that his lizard brain kicked in with a flight reaction. He literally fled from the stage after about a minute into his appearance.

What had happened? Bay was supposed to endorse Samsungs new curved TVs. Apparently, he had been instructed to just read the text from the teleprompter. But he missed a line. So he got off script and tried to improvise. But he totally failed to do so. This made him feel so embarrassed that his lizard brain commanded him to hide from further embarrassment.

Looking at the scene once again, it makes sense. Bay was trying to act as if he cared for the TVs. Saying words he didn’t believe in on a cause he didn’t believe in. But, he really didn’t care. It wasn’t his words. It was the marketing department’s words. It wasn’t his cause. It was Samsung’s. And that’s why he really couldn‘t improvise. Since he had nothing to say he didn’t know how to say it.

While that’s certainly an extreme example, it’s a similar pattern that we can observe with lots of leaders who feel uncomfortable on a big stage. It’s when they say words that someone told them “sound good” rather than say words that truly matter to them.

The Bay effect is what happens when you try to use “marketing speak” that makes things sound cool rather than speak about the things that actually are cool in words that are truly yours and come natural to you. Once I change this for my clients, time and again it’s the pivoting moment where they start to feel comfortable speaking about the things that matter to them even in front of the largest audiences.

Here’s the video from Michael Bay’s performance:

Die Angst vor dem Fertigwerden

Sie tarnt sich gerne als Perfektionismus und behauptet, es müsse noch ein wenig besser werden.

Oder als Höflichkeit und redet mir ein, man dürfe die Leute jetzt nicht stören.

Sie schiebt Gründe vor wie fehlende Ressourcen und entschuldigt sich, dass wenn sie nur das doppelte Budget hätte, dann würde sie ja und dann könnte sie nämlich.

Sie erinnert mich daran, dass mir die Expertise fehle, und dass ich lieber erst nochmal ein Seminar besuchen sollte.

Aber am Ende ist alles eine raffinierte Verschwörung, die mich daran hindern will, fertig zu werden und meine Arbeit zu veröffentlichen. Es ist die Angst vor dem Fertigwerden. Sobald ich fertig bin, muss ich mein Werk zeigen. Werde bewertet. Was, wenn es ihnen nicht gefällt?

Vor diesem Unwohlsein will mich die Angst vor dem Fertigwerden unter allen Umständen beschützen. Deswegen redet sie mir ins Gewissen: Mach doch lieber noch diese eine Verbesserung …

Ich mag das Bild von Steven Pressfield, der in seinem hervorragenden Buch „The War of Art“ diese Masse an innerem Widerstand als eine Urgewalt des Universums personifiziert. Dieser Widerstand hat ein einziges Ziel: mich daran zu hindern, fertig zu werden und meine Arbeit zu veröffentlichen. Er gibt keine Ruhe, bevor ich aufgebe. Er macht keine Verluste und er gibt nie nach.

Der erste Schritt, um die Angst vor dem Fertigwerden zu besiegen, ist, sich ihrer bewusst zu werden. Dann erkennt man sie nämlich überall. Und man ertappt sich dabei, wie man ihr beschönigende Namen gibt: Geduld, Ausdauer, Perfektion, …

Am Ende kann nur einer gewinnen. Sie oder ich. Entweder ich veröffentliche oder ich tue es nicht. Entweder ich schicke den Pitch ab oder nicht. Entweder ich greife zum Hörer oder nicht. Entweder ich gehe auf die Bühne oder nicht.

Schlagen Sie der Angst vor dem Fertigwerden ein Schnippchen. Done ist better than perfect. Machen ist wie Wollen, nur krasser. Egal, wie Sie es nennen: Veröffentlichen Sie Ihre Arbeit!

Denn was in Ihnen steckt, können nur Sie rauslassen. Niemand wird es für Sie tun. Niemand wird jemals an Ihre Tür klopfen und sagen: Sie dürfen mir jetzt Ihrer Arbeit zeigen.

Sie müssen das schon selbst tun. Machen Sie Ihre Arbeit so gut, wie es irgend geht. Machen Sie sie gerne auch noch besser. Aber werden Sie fertig und veröffentlichen Sie!

Vortragsangst ist ein Lotse

Vortragsangst in Form von Lampenfieber ist normal, selbst für erfahrene Redner, die top vorbereitet sind. Sie ist Teil des Spiels.

Wer keine Angst hat, der hat auch nichts zu verlieren. Wenn Sie aber immer bloß das sagen, wozu sowieso alle nicken, würden alle viel Zeit sparen, wenn der Vortrag erst gar nicht stattfände.

Das Ziel ist gar nicht, keine Angst zu haben, sondern der Angst etwas entgegenzusetzen. Nämlich den Willen, mit der Präsentation etwas zu erreichen: Mitarbeiter zu inspirieren. Investoren zu überzeugen. Ihr Publikum zu begeistern …

Der Punkt ist: Erst wenn es etwas zu verlieren gibt, gibt es auch etwas zu gewinnen. Erst wenn es die Möglichkeit des Scheiterns gibt, lohnt sich der Aufwand. Es ist per Voraussetzung schwierig.

Was also wollen Sie erreichen? Lohnt es sich?

Wenn es sich lohnt, dann lohnt es auch, gegen das Lampenfieber zu bestehen.

Insofern ist Vortragsangst ein Lotse. Erst wenn Sie Angst spüren, wissen Sie, dass Sie etwas sagen, dass nicht selbstverständlich ist. Erst dann gibt es etwas zu gewinnen, doch stets auch die Möglichkeit, dass es den Zuhörern nicht gefällt.

Lampenfieber ist notwendig, wenn Ihre Präsentation notwendig ist.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz