Submarine in a desert

Recently at Confused Corp, the world market leaders for unclear instructions and perplexed employees…

In a performance review, a manager told an employee, “Your work is on the right track, kind of like a train, but not on rails, more like a boat… but also not on water.”

After the review, Bob asked Alice, “So, am I a train or a boat?”

Alice sighed, “You’re more like a submarine in a desert.”

How much better was the feedback that you got in your last performance review?

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No words

Sometimes, the right words are no words. Just be there.Listen. Give them the space to express their thoughts, in full.The time to say it out

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I’ve figured it all out

A professor once told me: “When you’ve graduated from school you think you know it all. When you’ve graduated from college you know that you

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