Second impressions

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

You don’t. But more often than not you still get a chance to make a second impression.

I mean, shit happens. As much as we try to avoid it, things go wrong. We’ve all been there.

But contrary to what the catchy wisdom suggests, it’s not over when you haven’t made a stellar first impression. Just deal with it. Continue giving it your all.

Some of my longest running relationships have grown out of first impressions gone wrong.

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Your speech is a gift

Whether it’s to share insights or to shift perspectives, whether it’s to motivate or to entertain … there are many ways in which your speech

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Audiences are regularly surprised to find themselves in the middle of a conversation when they expected to sit through a monologue. With smaller audiences it’s

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Waiting for the CEO

I sometimes meet two very different kinds of CEOs. One is OK to have their team wait. After all, the CEO is the most important

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