Open to change

Wow opens their mind. Aha changes their mind.

Both are better together.

Aha moments can’t happen when your audience doesn’t pay attention. Wow moments are great at getting you attention.

But wow moments get you only half way there. After all, what use is it when people cheer about what a great show it’s been when what you actually want them to cheer for is your idea?

When you’ve opened the door, walk through and take your audience all the way to a profound aha moment.

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The first minute

What use is a 30 minute time slot if people tune out after the first minute? I can’t count the number of complaints I’ve heard

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Dealing with bullshit

There’s the truth. There are lies. And there’s bullshit. To the bullshitter, the appeal of bullshit is that it doesn’t care about true and false.

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AI writing tools

AI writing assistants are all over the place. Although their writing is often bad. But so is yours when you write the first draft of

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