“Daddy, look how beautiful the moon is today.” My daughter expected me to chime in with her cheering.
Only that I couldn’t … because from where I was standing, I couldn’t even see the moon. It was obscured by a building. Luckily, I took a couple of steps to the side. It really was an astonishing view of the moon, an object that we see so often, yet not quite the way my daughter and I saw it on that evening.
Sometimes, to appreciate the beauty of something we need to look from the right perspective. We need to move to a different place.
If you’re wondering why your audience isn’t chiming in with your cheering, could it be that they just can’t see it when looking from their perspective? If so, then no amount of cheering from your side will make them see it. It’s obscured.
You need to show them a way to get to your place.