Let’s try something new

When something doesn’t work, it’s tempting to start over and try a different solution for our problem. Let’s try something new!

And it might work.

Or not.

Either way, we haven’t learnt much other than that one or both options didn’t work.

Learning happens when we change one thing rather than the whole thing. One. Thing. At. A. Time.

Because then, when the change made things better, we know exactly what led to the improvement.

Likewise, when it made things worse, we know exactly where to go back to in order to change the next thing.

If you could change only one thing about your communication today, what would it be?

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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Focus: excellent

Now Taylor knows. And can act accordingly. She took my self-assessment and uncovered her core strength: focus, being able to cut to the core. She

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Start with WHAAAAAT?

When developing your story, it’s a good idea to start with why. But when delivering the story, it’s even better to start with “WHAAAAAT?” –

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