It’s their time

At the time I published this post your day had 900 minutes left. When you finish reading, it will be down to 899 minutes.

Why did you choose to invest your time in reading this? What else could you do? Will you feel like the time was worth it? Because you’re not going to get it back.

How about your audience? Why did they choose to invest the time to listen to you? What else could they do with the 60 minutes they are investing in you?

It’s a privilege to get access to their time. We should treat this privilege with respect. With the respect of keeping it short and relevant. So that every minute they invest is worth it to them. So that they feel that there wouldn’t have been a better investment of their time than spending it with us.

Servant speakers respect the time of their audience.

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On to something new

Heading there means leaving here. Change becomes easier once we acknowledge that. What will we gain?But also, what will we miss? What’s pulling us ahead?But

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The Simplicity Initiative

Recently at Confused Corp, they launched the ‘Simplicity Initiative’. In a team meeting, one brave soul asked, “What’s the goal of this initiative?” The manager,

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