It’s never been easier to learn speaking skills than today.

Open up YouTube, go to TED or Greator and watch the top viewed talks. Observe what the speaker does. Take what works for you and try it in one of your next talks. Repeat.

Seriously, even if you’re not giving keynote-style inspirational talks, there’s a lot to learn. How do the speakers enter the stage? What’s their first sentence? How do they structure their talk? What kind of stories do they tell? How do they end their talk? How do they activate their audience? What do they do to raise awareness? The list goes on …

Sure, not everything that you observe will work for you. But: So what? Just move to the next talk. Really, your next step to improving your speaking skills is just a click away.

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The smartest person

The smartest person in the room is the one who knows how to tap into the intelligence of everyone in the room. Which means that

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