2 kinds of businesses

There are two kinds of businesses. Those that set out to make a great product. And those that set out to make a great profit.

It might turn out that both end up with the exact same product that generates the exact same amount of profit but it feels vastly different to be a part of each.

When your goal is to make a profit, you’ll likely optimise your product so that it maximises your profit. Quite likely, the best way to maximise the profit is to build a product that is great for your customers. But, ultimately, that’s not what these businesses care about. They don’t care for people, they care for profits. For them, customer satisfaction is a means to drive profits.

When your goal is to make a great product, you’ll likely optimise your product to solve a specific problem or to serve a need of your customers. Quite likely, the best way to solve this problem or to serve that need is going to appeal to your customers, thus leading you to make a profit. But, ultimately, that’s not what these businesses care about. They don’t care for profits, they care for people. For them, profit is a means to drive customer satisfaction.

Your choice.

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