It starts with the speaker

Who else is tired of speakers who waste our time with boring speeches that take forever but lead nowhere?

Who else thinks it’s disrespectful when speakers don’t take the time to prepare well?

Who else is done with selfish speakers who only show up to take advantage of the audience?

Relationships are built on respect and generosity.

Value your audience’s time and they will treat you accordingly.

It’s a simple dynamic. But it starts with the speaker.

Much like the idea of servant leadership has changed leadership, the idea of a servant speaker could do the same for speaking.

Who’s with me on that?

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One message less …

If I forced you to remove one message from your website, your speech, your sales deck … what would it be? Why that one?
Would your audience

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Where are you?

Are you 100% present in the moment when you give your presentation? 100% focused on your audience? Or are you with your topic? Or with

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