Inside out

Good speakers make us get them.
Great speakers get us.

It’s a fascinating experience when you listen to someone and it feels like they know you inside out.

When their story makes you feel seen and heard.

When their messages make you see options that you couldn’t see before.

When they’ve found words for what’s going on inside of you that you could never have found yourself.

Did you ever experience that in a talk?
Have you created it?
I’d love to hear your stories!

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One thought

If you can manage to plant ONE THOUGHT in my head, you’ve changed my life. You’ve also achieved way more than almost any other piece

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Finding the right words

Did you ever hesitate to write down the first sentence because you just couldn’t find the right words? For example, for that blog post you

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The magic of a great story

That brilliant keynote speech that told a story about climbing the Mount Everest and inspired you to finally start your company. That fascinating book that

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

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