Getting unstuck

If you could ask me one question about your communication, e.g. a question about something that’s holding you back. Or some aspect of lighting the path for your audience that you’ve never found a good answer to, yet … what would it be?

Well, here’s your chance. Head over to my new Q&A site to ask me that question and I might come back to it in one of the upcoming blog posts or podcasts episode to answer it.

So, what’s on your mind?

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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RIP, simplicity!

“You strive to keep your strategy plain and simple, but in the boardroom, where shareholder demands and market pressures collide, simplicity is often the first

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The due date

In a small software development company, the team has been working tirelessly for weeks to meet a crucial deadline. On the due date, the leader

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A little empathy

“I’m sorry!”Three words that can change the dynamics almost every time something went wrong. Instead, people tend to get defensive.“Not my fault!”“I did nothing wrong!”“You

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

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