Looking at masterful communicators, you could get the feeling that they have a natural talent for communication, some sort of unfair advantage to find the words that always seem to nail it.
Yet, the truth is that it’s neither unfair nor a talent they were born with.
What makes it appear unfair is their will to rigorously figure things out. To not settle with confusing language or unclear messaging but instead look for ever more compelling ways to tell their story.
What makes them appear as natural born talents is the fact that their communication feels so effortless. Yet, remember that effortlessness is usually the result of an immense effort. It’s rigorous preparation that lets you appear as though you didn’t have to prepare.
I’ve written the “Leaders Light the Path” manifesto as a reminder of what you can achieve if you are willing to put in that kind of an effort.
If you find it useful, please share it with a friend.
PS: Do you have an important story to tell? I’d love to hear it.