Easy to copy! Or is it?

This is easy: to copy the looks of a great presentation.

This is hard: to copy the passion that went into crafting the story, the empathy that was needed to make it relevant, the effort that was required to refine the details so that everything felt just right.

Yet, if you manage to get the latter right, there’s no need to copy the looks, anymore. You’ll inevitably come up with your own distinct look. One that is true to yourself, is right for your audience, and just nails it.

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Will it break?

Quite early in our lives we learn that porcelain breaks when it drops onto the floor. A fact, that one of my clients used to

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The story of 2023

A common struggle with storytelling is that people don’t know where to find good stories. The truth is, you don’t find good stories, you create

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