The Conductor

A symphony conductor lifts their baton. The orchestra is ready, the audience falls silent.

But instead of beginning immediately, the conductor pauses.

Just for a second.

In that pause, something remarkable happens:
→ The musicians sharpen their focus.
→ The audience leans in.
→ Anticipation builds.

The silence becomes part of the performance.


Then, the music begins.

Da, da, da, daaaa …

This pause isn’t an empty space. It’s a moment of intensity.

In communication, though, most of us rush to fill that silence. We feel the need to start speaking as soon as possible … as if the silence will make us seem unprepared, unsure, or weak.

But that might break your impact before it even had a chance to unfold. It gets drowned in the rush.

The pause before you begin is just as important as the message itself.
→ You focus.
→ The audience leans in.
→ Anticipation builds.

And when you finally start to speak, it’s in a moment of intensity.

Keep lighting the path!

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