Simple beats fancy.
This is what so many communicators get wrong. They overthink communication.
They search for a more “eloquent” way to express an idea.
Or something more “impressive”.
With extra polish to make it “shine”.
When the opposite is what often works best.
Think about the last time you were truly captivated by a message. Was it the fancy words? I bet it wasn’t. I bet you simply saw yourself in the message. As if they had expressed your thoughts … only better than you ever could.
Here’s how that works:
1. Steal their words.
Stop searching for the perfect words.
Your audience already uses them (if you care to listen).
Listen. Steal. Use them better than they do.
2. Find the slope.
Persuasion feels like pushing a boulder uphill.
Resonance feels like gravity doing the work for you.
Find where they’re already headed. And meet them there.
3. Make it plain and simple.
No fluff. No buzzwords. No ‘important sounding’ nonsense.
If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it here.
Clarity wins. Every. Single. Time.
4. Make them feel it.
People don’t act on what makes sense.
They act on what feels true.
And when that happens your words don’t just sound good, they’ll change things.
5. Watch their reaction.
Watch where people lean in: that’s your signal.
Watch where they tune out: that’s noise.
Adapt. Refine. Until only signal remains.
In other words, great communicators understand something that anyone who aims to “impress” simply overlooks:
It’s not about you.
So, how does great communication work?
You don’t persuade harder.
You resonate stronger.
Plain and simple …
Keep lighting the path!