
Force tends to create counter-force.
Push me and I’ll resist.
Pull me and I’ll resist.

But show me why it’s worthwhile to get there, and I’ll happily start moving.

That’s the difference between selfish marketing and marketing that lights the path.

If you build something that’s truly great and communicate it to me from a perspective of empathy and honesty, why wouldn’t I choose it?

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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Can you draw it?

Because when you can draw it, it means you can see it. And when you can see it, it means that it’s concrete. What you

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Consistency vs. Stagnation

There’s a fine line between consistency in your actions and stagnation. Stagnation is almost inevitable when you act the same way over and over again.

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Connection established

You spent hours perfecting your slides.They look great. Here’s what matters more. Slides might catch the eye.But do they connect with your audience on an

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The Art of Communicating

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