Changing the world

Almost every startup I ever advised started with a passion to change the world in one way or another.

Those that are still thriving today at some point transitioned to “merely” being helpful.

Helpful to …
… a very specific niche
… that has a very specific problem
… and a very specific way of looking at this problem.

Instead of persuading random customers of a product they never heard of, these founders started to resonate with specific needs of specific customers.

Instead of talking more, they listened more.
Instead of trying to get attention, they paid attention.

And that got them the audience’s attention.

And when you have that,
you don’t need to persuade harder.
You can resonate stronger!

The beauty is this:
When you make a meaningful difference in the lives of a growing number of people, change is not only possible, it’s inevitable.

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One message less …

If I forced you to remove one message from your website, your speech, your sales deck … what would it be? Why that one?
Would your audience

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