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Changing the world, one life at a time

It’s tempting to want to change the world and do it all at once. But almost all revolutions start small. Martin Luther King didn’t give his first speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Facebook didn’t start as a 3 billion people network. The first iPhone was laughed at by most. But because all of them crafted a message that was beloved by some people and made these people feel special, their message could spread.

When we try to please everyone, we’re forced to make compromises. We’re forced to include more details. We’re forced to leave out the controversial parts of our message. All of this makes it harder for the special someones to truly love our message.

It takes courage, yes. We might miss out on a lot of people at first. But what gets easily overlooked is how we miss out on changing anyone’s life when no-one really gets us because it’s just a generic, everything-for-everyone message that no-one in particular loves and feels the urge to spread.

So, who do you start with?

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On to something new

Heading there means leaving here. Change becomes easier once we acknowledge that. What will we gain?But also, what will we miss? What’s pulling us ahead?But

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The Lego Challenge

Let me tell you about a really interesting article that I read some time ago. It was about a Lego model, very similar to this

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