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The sweet spot

The sweet spot for running a sustainable business is to do things that
i. you are deeply passionate about,
ii. unbelievably good at and
iii. can make a healthy profit from.

Three common misconceptions about the sweet spot:
No. 1: Because it’s your passion, it’s not hard work.
No. 2: Because you’re good at it, it’s easy.
No. 3: Because people pay you, it’s profitable.

All three can be true. But you shouldn’t count on it.

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Relevance beats elegance

Elegance might get you attention.But relevance creates interest.Elegance without relevance is meaningless. By all means, make it elegant. But never at the expense of relevance.

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You talkin’ to me?

“You tellin me I’m wrong? I gotta do things differently? Who are you? I know damn well what I need to do. Don’t you dare

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Secure the only spot at the airport that sells water and you can basically stop bothering about how you do business. It doesn’t really matter

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