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The only one

Right now, nothing is more important than you.
That’s the feeling that great communicators will give you.

Not only in 1:1 conversations, but also on the stage and even in their writing.

Right now, nothing is more important than you.

Which is not to be confused with:
“Never is anything more important.”

But right in this moment, nothing is.

These people let us forget that
-> they are just as busy as we are (if not more),
-> that they juggle just as many balls as we do (if not more),
-> that their day sucked big time and their lunch break is already one hour late (if not more).

But right now, none of that matters.

They are super busy. And yet, in this moment, they are fully present.

They don’t necessarily leave everything aside for us. We’re not the center of their focus all the time. They might not even have much time for us. But when they do, they’re fully committed and present in the moment.

Sometimes, you could even say that the feeling is not so much one of being the most important person in their world right now. It almost feels like you’re the only one that matters.

How focussed are you on the person you are talking to?

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