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Every change starts with someone who sees a better future

“I see that we can change the way people listen to music.”
“I see a time when no-one is judged by the color of their skin anymore.”
“I see a cure for gastric ulcer.”
“I see that with a small change in how we make decisions,
we can create a much stronger sense of ‘Us’ in our company.”

But the others don’t see it, yet.

For very different reasons. Some don’t care for the cause, others don’t think it’s feasible. Some don’t get the point, others haven’t even tried. Neither of them sees what you see.

And so they stall. The customer doesn’t buy, the team doesn’t follow along.

And so, while change starts with seeing a better future, to make change happen, you need to make others see it as well.

PS: My free online course “Crack the Clarity Code” is designed to help you achieve that.

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