How to get your audience to like you

Often, I get asked how one can work towards ensuring that your audience likes you. In general, people are much more open towards people they like. If you want to inspire your audience and – even more – if you want them to buy from you, this will be much more likely to work out if they, well, like you.

So, how can you improve your “likability”? How can you make your audience feel like you’re a nice person?

Well … be a nice person! It’s as easy as that! Instead of working hard on a facade to give the impression of being nice, why not work on the real thing?

Because if you genuinely care for your audience and treat them with respect, if you are honest in what you say and believe in it yourself, if what you have to offer is, in fact, helpful to your audience, then why should they not like you?

That’s the key: Be nice! Don’t act “as if” but do it because that’s who and how you are! And if you are, your audience will notice – because they always do when people speak right from their heart.

Spread the Word

Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz