Why I write daily

Any medium has their merits.

For example, conversations happen in the moment and you can instantly react to the situation. Or videos capture your whole expression, not just the words.

But if you care for precision, saying exactly what you mean, then the written word is hard to beat.

Finding precise words.
Getting the nuances right.
Giving them rhythm.

Writing lets me do that.

I’ll often start with something I’ve said.
In a conversation. On a podcast. Or even just in my mind.

These are all situations where I “simply said it” (like with this post which originated from my podcast conversation with Eric Dillman).

But later, when I write it down, I can refine it.
And craft it into exactly what I want it to be.
Something sharper, clearer, and (hopefully) better.

In that sense, writing – for me – is as much a thinking tool as it is a means for communication.

How about you?
Do you write regularly?
What purpose does it serve for you?

Keep lighting the path!

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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