When everyone zigs …

… zag! Sure.

But keep in mind that going straight when everyone else keeps on zig-zagging, takes you a long way. Not every trend is worth chasing. Not every turn is worth taking.

Zig-zagging is exhausting. It makes it hard for our audience to keep track with who we are and what we stand for.

The alternative is consistency. Focus on the change you’re trying to make. Evolving slowly, but constantly. Absorbing what works and leaving alone the trends that don’t.

Don’t underestimate the branding value that consistency brings along.

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Oh, that’s me!

“Oh, that’s me! I’m struggling with the exact same thing.” When a marketer sparks that feeling, it opens the door to my attention. The default

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The team

It’s not “we, the leaders“ and “you, the team.”It’s “us, together.” Watch for language that separates you from the team. It can be subtle, but

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