What your audience cares about

… is not you, but themselves. A few of the more obvious things they might care about:

  • They want praise and recognition from their boss.
  • They do not want trouble with their colleagues.
  • Less hassle.
  • They want to save money.
  • Or make money. Big time.
  • Close that deal.
  • Scale their business.
  • They don’t want to take any risks.
  • Not decide for themselves so they can shift the blame if it fails.
  • Have someone tell them what to do.
  • They want to live a healthier life.
  • Feel good.
  • Impress their friends.
  • They want to be promoted.

Any of these result from constraints and demands, from experiences and desires that sometimes have a lot, but just as often have only very little to do with your product. And yet these aspects determine how your audience hears what you say.

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