What professors don’t know much about

We had a mathematics professor at university who felt like a character straight out of a novel – seemingly absent-minded, but always sharper than he appeared.

During discussions, he’d often say, ‘I don’t know much about this, but …’

While he indeed knew less about this than his specialty, it was usually still more than anyone else in the room (and probably more than most people outside it).

In fact, he wouldn’t even have considered to comment on a subject he truly did “not know much” about.

But here’s the point: When he spoke, people listened.

They knew that what he had to say was meaningful and well grounded.

Now, what about you?

When you chime in into a discussion, how knowledgable are you in that area? When you form an opinion, how profound is your background?

But most importantly, can your audience trust you with being reflective (and honest) about what you know?

I feel that this is one of the things that separate the good communicators from the inspiring ones.

So, what’s something you don’t know much about?
And what does it mean when you say that?

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