Did you ever feel lonely “being at the top”, having to figure things out on your own? To plan every move, solve every problem, make every choice?
Many leaders believe their job is to have all those answers. But what if that belief is the very thing holding them back?
I’d argue the times are gone when being a leader meant having to be the one who has all the answers.
It’s not about leading the way anymore. Leadership is (slowly but clearly) moving from “leading the way” to “lighting the path” …
Making the destination unmistakably clear:
→ “This is where we’re headed.”
Explaining why it matters:
→ “This is why it’s worth the effort.”
And helping the team believe in themselves:
→ “You’ve got what it takes to get there.”
You’re not there to plan every detail. You’re not there to carry the weight alone.
Light the path. Give them the nudge they need to overcome hesitancy and rise to the challenge. But then, trust your team to figure out how to walk it.
When they succeed, it will feel like their success (but they’ll never forget who lit the way).
Keep lighting the path!