The Taxi Incident

So you’re the CEO.
You’ve just landed from a business trip and need to get back to the office.
You jump into a taxi.

But instead of providing a destination, you give turn-by-turn directions.

Like every … single … turn …

You bark orders to wait at traffic lights.

Tell the driver to go faster, and then to slow down.

By the time you arrive, you’re thoroughly frustrated about the driver’s incompetence.

You even feel proud of how you’ve fixed the situation and led the taxi driver to arrive safely at your office.

Also, that whole situation is kinda hilarious, isn’t it? Hard to imagine that anyone would act like that in real life.

And yet, micromanaging is still the norm in so many businesses. Worse, managers pride themselves on their firefighting.

The alternative is to replace 100 orders with one. Simply tell the driver the destination and let him handle the route.

Freed from the things others can do better than you, you can use the ride to close deals, brainstorm ideas, or plan the next strategic move.

You’ll step out of the taxi not only at your destination but miles ahead in your work.

Very easy to see with a taxi ride.

But how many areas exist in a business where it’s not as easy to see? The irony, of course, is that the driver not only knows the map better than the CEO—they have a navigation system and know how to use it.

Now, what about your business? Are there places where you might give too specific guidance rather than simply telling the team where you’re headed?

Do you trust your team to know how to drive the taxi and make choices along the way?

PS: If you want help in finding the right words to articulate where you’re headed, reach out.

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